Electric Charging Infrastructure
Start / Dienstleistungen / Electric Charging Infrastructure
Airport operations towards net zero carbon emissions
Our service:
- Identification of use-cases and determination of energy demand
- Development of charging infrastructure requirements for ground handling equipment, electric busses, etc.
- Checking of installed power at potential charging locations
- Facilitation of stakeholder management
- Planning and approval of charging infrastructure
- Applying for public funding
- Integration of new mobility solutions (car sharing, etc.)
Our references:
- Preparation of e-mobility strategies for both private companies and public authorities
- Analysis of use-cases within fleets of private operators
- Conception, planning, approval and implementation of charging infrastructure (AC/DC) on private and public ground
- Management of large demonstration projects (> 300 electric vehicles)
- Several market and competitor analyses for charging infrastructure solutions (incl. PT)
- Development of business cases for utilities
- Analysis of controlled charging options and integration of renewable energies