Christian Lösche is head of the Calculations and Process Quality Control section in the Power and Heat business unit, and an expert in process quality control.
Together with his team, Mr. Lösche is responsible for process modeling and simulation, online monitoring, and metrological investigations at power plants. He is an expert in efficiency monitoring and evaluation of power plants and has extensive expertise in thermodynamics and power plant engineering.
His customer base is chiefly made up of energy utilities and chemical companies.
From 2019 to 2021, Mr. Lösche was project manager for the installation of process quality control systems for Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG combined heat and power plants.
Mr. Lösche studied at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, graduating with a degree (Dipl.-Ing. FH) in energy and environmental engineering. Mr. Lösche subsequently worked as a project engineer for measurements and optimizations at Dornier Group.
Mr. Lösche was co-author of the article for the 51st Power Plant Technology Colloquium (2019) in Dresden on the topic “How (in)accurate are process engineering KPIs that are used as decision aids for the O&M management and maintenance of power plants?”
- Process quality control
- Thermodynamic cycle analysis
- Process control
- Data-based models
- Root cause analysis
- Power plant measurements