Gerhard Cornelsen is Project Director in the Water business unit and an expert in groundwater remediation and groundwater storage systems.
Mr. Cornelsen has many years of experience in the technical and financial management of large international consulting projects in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, with a focus on groundwater development and management, as well as groundwater remediation in the petroleum industry. He is tasked with managing the Doha, Qatar office. Within the scope of his management role, he is responsible for business development in the field of water resources management in the Middle East, acquisition of new projects including coordination and preparation of technical and financial proposals, recruitment, contracting and coordination of subcontractors. He is also responsible for the coordination and preparation of technical reports. Mr. Cornelsen is an expert in the storage of potable water in existing aquifers, the remediation of large-scale groundwater damage in the petroleum industry, and the exploration, assessment, monitoring, and utilization of water resources, particularly in the Middle East. His client base mainly includes water and energy utilities, government departments with responsibility for the water and environment sector, environmental authorities and petroleum companies.
Mr. Cornelsen plays a major role in the ASR (Aquifer Storage & Recovery) project in the Emirate of Dubai. The focus of this project is on using the near-surface aquifer to inject and store desalinated seawater for use in emergencies. The project began with a pre-feasibility study to identify suitable regions. During an intensive exploration phase, the groundwater conditions in an area of several hundred square kilometers were investigated in detail. With the help of a pilot plant at the most suitable location, the design parameters for the large-scale project are now being determined as part of a one-year test operation. Most Gulf countries now obtain nearly 100% of their potable water from seawater desalination plants. In the event of a production outage, ASR can make a significant contribution to maintaining drinking water supplies for a period of up to several months. Capital expenditures required to build conventional water reservoirs (reservoirs made of concrete, steel, etc.) are many times higher than those involved in ASR projects.
Mr. Cornelsen studied at the University of Bayreuth, graduating with a degree in geoecology (Diplom-Geoökologe). Upon completion of his studies, Mr. Cornelsen started his career working in exploration, remediation planning and specialist site supervision in the context of the dismantling of industrial plants. Subsequently, he provided expert opinions on environmental damage and conducted environmental due diligence audits in connection with the sale of industrial and commercial properties.
- Solution driven mindset
- Market and competition driven mindset