Johannes Lönne is Senior Consultant in the Mobility business unit and an expert for tolling systems, test strategies for networked systems, and smart transport systems.
Mr. Lönne has many years of experience in consultancy services in the field of mobility, especially with regard to the development of new products and strategies through the application of systems engineering, requirements management and feasibility studies. His portfolio also includes test strategies for complex systems and the development and management of efficient test processes and test environments. In addition, Mr. Lönne is an expert for toll systems and for automotive testing. His client base mainly includes industrial companies and public sector clients.
Within the scope of a project lasting several years, for Allego GmbH as the client, Mr. Lönne was responsible for adapting the charging infrastructure and the back-end systems to the legal requirements. His tasks there also included the identification, testing and evaluation of options for establishing compliance with calibration law. As project manager, he was also responsible for coordinating the adaptation of internal business processes and data flows and for coordinating the commercial and technical interfaces with external contractual partners. He also accompanied the retrofitting of existing charging stations, the adaptation of client’s specifications for future procurement needs, and the conceptual design, planning, and monitoring of the implementation of the favored solution.
In 2017, Mr. Lönne was co-author of the study “Autonomes Fahren – Erwartungen an die Mobilität der Zukunft” (Autonomous Driving – Expectations for Mobility of the Future) by Dornier Consulting International.
Mr. Lönne studied at the University of Tübingen, Germany, graduating with a degree in information science (Diplom-Informatiker) with a focus on applied information science / databases. He studied physics as a minor subject. After his studies, Mr. Lönne worked as a system engineer for mobile networks at Alcatel AG and Siemens AG, and then at Altek GmbH, where he served as a Project Manager for field testing of on-board units (TollCollect).
- Complex systems in mobility and related areas
- Project support for major projects
- Development and assessment of tolling solutions
- Systems engineering
- Test strategies, test processes and test environments
- Project management
- Test management