Dornier Consulting International – Pioniere in der Infrastruktur
“Ship-to-grid” shore power supply for river cruise ships
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RheinEnergie AG
Germany Cologne
03/2013 – 08/2013
“SmartCity Cologne” is a platform for various projects on climate protection and energy system transformation. The initiators of SmartCity Cologne are the regional utility company RheinEnergie AG and the City of Cologne.
The economic feasibility study of shore power supply for river cruise ships on the Rhine commissioned by RheinEnergie AG as part of the SmartCity Cologne project was aimed at reducing the emissions of exhaust gases, particulate matter and noise from diesel engines during the ships’ laytimes. Inland navigation vessels usually run their engines even while lying at the berth, in order to generate the necessary electricity on board.
Our services at a glance
Outline report on a shore-side power supply system (in terms of technology and processes)
Calculation of the present status of diesel-electric on-board power generation
Assessment of ports and floating docks in Cologne
Calculation of ship power supply by shore power supply station
Drawing up business cases for operators and ship owners
Identification of potential benefits and possible distribution of roles among stakeholders