To solve your material-technical tasks, we rely on a high-quality equipped and accredited material laboratory in line with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. We offer you, among other things, complete materials to test your samples and components: from sampling to metallographic preparation and performance of microscopic examinations to the practice of informative draft and final reports. In addition to the considerable expertise of our employees, various stereo and light microscopes, a scanning electron microscope including an EDX detector are available for the analysis of your samples. Moreover, accredited tools are the opportunities for hardness testing following different methods (Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell), permeability measurement and chemical analysis through mobile X-ray fluorescence analyzers. We can also determine the chemical composition of metallic materials directly on your premises by means of X-ray fluorescence analysis, carry out mobile hardness measurements using the UCI method, or make non-destructive metallographic images of your components applying the microstructure imprint/replica technique (component metallography) for subsequent analysis in our laboratory. In addition, other testing methods outside our accredited area, such as ultrasonic wall thickness measurement, crack depth measurement or magnetic particles, and dye penetrant testing (penetration testing) complement our service portfolio.
Our inspection reports include recommendations for the future operation of the plant in question. In this way, we support you in planning and monitoring the success of maintenance measures in order to prevent damage to your plant and, last but not least, ensure safe operation.
Thanks to considerable expertise and the combination of different testing methods, we can accomplish a wide range of tasks that include, among other things, the service life monitoring of components from technical plants such as power plants, the evaluation of creep damage, the performance of damage analysis or the clarification of questions regarding quality assurance and material selection. We would be pleased to support you with your individual problems – just contact us!