Dornier Power and Heat GmbH is a member of the Dornier Group, which brings together several companies to jointly assist our clients in the implementation of projects and provide guidance in decision-making processes. The Dornier Group is a global one-stop shop for engineering services with a focus on the infrastructure sector. A functioning and interlocking infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the 21st century and is a basic prerequisite for progress.
The energy transition is currently making life difficult for most operators of conventional energy generation facilities. The liberalization of the energy markets is forcing energy suppliers and power plant and grid operators to optimize their processes and operations to an ever greater extent. The increased integration of renewable energies into the European power grid also poses comprehensive challenges. As energy experts, we are supporting these changes and shaping the future together with our customers.
For more than 55 years, we have had our roots in the generation and distribution of electricity and heat, and have made a significant contribution to the reconstruction of the energy sector in eastern Germany. Today, we are still the top address when it comes to the cost-efficient operation or the pragmatic new construction or conversion of fossil energy generation plants. Dornier Power and Heat GmbH has long been addressing the effects of the energy transition on the power plant fleet, and began accumulating expertise in renewable energies such as hydropower and biomass at an early stage. Dornier Power and Heat GmbH develops clever system concepts with heat accumulators, power-to-heat systems and flexible cogeneration units designed especially for the new challenges of combined heat and power generation in a highly volatile electricity market.
Major customers include electricity and heat suppliers as well as grid operators, with renowned power plant suppliers and general contractors, government departments, research institutes and multilateral development banks also counting among the company’s long-standing clients.