Municipal heating planning, transformation plans and feasibility studies for heating networks
Our services in detail:
Project management and stakeholder management in the preparation of transformation plans and feasibility studies according to BEW (Module 1)
Support in the preparation of project outlines and planning documents for funding applications in accordance with BEW (Modules 1-4)
Analysis of the existing heat supply (heat demand, generation, network structure) according to BEW (Module 1)
Potential analysis of renewable heat generation technologies: long list and short list according to BEW specifications (Module 1)
Analysis of the potential for grid expansion, redensification and temperature reduction according to BEW (Module 1)
Path to greenhouse gas neutrality in 5-year milestones by 2045, taking into account the political requirements for phasing out CHP and maximum target shares of fuels (solid biomass, green hydrogen and synthetic fuels)
Technical and economic feasibility analysis of preferred supply concepts and individual measures (geothermal energy, heat pumps, storage, solar thermal energy, waste heat utilisation)
Support in the creation, revision and updating of municipal heat plans in accordance with the Heat Planning Act