Encotec Energy (India) Pvt.. GmbH is a member of the Dornier Group, in which several companies have come together to jointly help our customers in realizing their projects and to guide them in decision-making processes. The Dornier Group is a global one-stop shop for engineering services with a focus on the infrastructure sector. A functioning and interlocking infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the 21st century and is a basic prerequisite for progress.
Encotec Energy, based in Noida, India, designs and supplies photovoltaic systems and provides operation and maintenance (O&M) services for power plants and energy facilities. In addition, we supply our customers with Chinese power plant spare parts in our role as a trader.
Our references attest to the fact that within just a few years we have been able to secure and continually expand our lead in various niches by providing integrated services satisfying quality, cost and deadline requirements. We are committed to developing and implementing innovative, fit-for-purpose solutions for our customers.
By taking on EPC contracts for the complete engineering, procurement and construction of power plants based on conventional and renewable energies and extending our offering to other process-based facilities such as sugar mills, cement plants, fertilizer plants and oil refineries, we have initiated a diversification of our range of services. Besides operation and maintenance management (O&M), renovation and modernization (R&M), engineering and construction (E&C), and a range of specialized services such as metrological investigations, testing, or residual life assessment (RLA), we also offer EPC services in the field of renewable energies, for example for solar and biomass facilities.
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Our business divisions

We use our knowledge and experience to provide professional services for the operation and maintenance of energy and industrial plants. These include coal and gas-fired power plants, solar and biomass plants, combined heat and power plants, infrastructure, industrial plants and gas turbines.
We offer a wide range of operation and maintenance services, from full O&M contract services to individual O&M activities. Our services range from support during project development and commissioning to O&M contracts covering the entire project life cycle.

Having access to spare parts in good time is essential for maintenance and plant availability. However, maintaining a spare parts inventory is associated with high costs. We supply and manage Chinese spare parts through dedicated spare parts warehouses and other channels to minimize capital expenditure, optimize system utilization and minimize downtime. In our many years of operation, maintenance, E/C&I, R&M and repair of power plants, we have gained extensive experience in the long-term estimation of spare parts consumption.
The large quantity of parts and equipment that we purchase from a wide range of well-known OEMs means we are able to supply spare parts at competitive prices.

We engineer solar systems with optimal PV performance which are designed to achieve the lowest electricity costs the world over. In addition, we are able to identify, negotiate and deliver bankable technologies from key suppliers and project-specific services on the best possible terms. We construct the project in keeping with highest quality standards, time and cost requirements, and in full compliance with local regulations. At the end of each project, we carry out several commissioning tests to ensure that every solar power system functions as planned.
Our History
Encotec Energy (India) Pvt. Ltd. is founded in Noida, India
Member of Dornier Group
Encotec becomes a member of the Dornier Group, enabling the company to deal with energy-related tasks in the key infrastructure sectors of mobility, aviation, water and real estate.