Dornier Consulting International – Pioniere in der Infrastruktur
Estimation of the shore power potential for cargo and cruise ships in inland navigation
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RheinEnergie AG
Germany Cologne
08/2014 - 11/2014
In 2013, Dornier Consulting had already prepared a study on shore-side power supply for river cruise ships on the Rhine.
One year later, RheinEnergie and Stadtwerke went ahead to turn the topic of shore power supply into a business model for their joint venture company Rheinwerke. For the further development of business models for the shore power supply of hotel and cargo ships, a further study was drafted by DCI. This study aimed to provide valid data for Rheinwerke’s business case and operational planning.
Our services at a glance
Determination of the German market potential of shore power supply for cargo ships as well as hotel and river cruise ships
Consideration of experiences gained with shore power supply in neighboring countries of Germany
Analysis of the overall market by gathering data on ships and berths
Narrowing down to attractive locations
Conducting an analysis of the business environment (competition, players, etc.)