Dornier Consulting International – Pioniere in der Infrastruktur
Analysis of market and competitors in the field of charging infrastructure solutions for electric vehicles
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Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH
Germany Hamburg
03/2016 – 06/2016
Having established the operation of the public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Hamburg, Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH worked systematically to offer its own charging infrastructure solutions to other local authorities and commercial enterprises in the future.
Dornier Consulting was commissioned both to analyze the competitors of Stromnetz Hamburg and to identify the cities and municipalities with the greatest potential. The results of this market analysis enabled the client to compare the price and quality of his own offer with those of other competitors and to close any gaps.
Our services at a glance
Identification (long list) and rough evaluation of providers for charging infrastructure solutions in the public and commercial sectors
Selection and detailed analysis of the customer’s most important competitors and identification of requirements for achieving competitiveness.
Analysis of the public sector market, i.e. cities/local authorities (criteria: charging infrastructure supply and demand, market participants, number of electric vehicles, political conditions and restraints, potential volume, etc.)