
The Asset of Measurements for Project Finance and Project Value

It was a pleasure for our collegue Simon Weber to present the latest #suntrace study on “The Asset of Measurements for Project Finance and Project Value” at EUPVSEC2021 last week. In our study, we demonstrate the return on investment for on-site solar measurement campaigns by lowering risks. Both our experience across the globe and our financial model show high-accuracy on-site measurements to increase project Net Present Value significantly and to already pay off for plant sizes in the order of 10 MW! The paper will be released soon in EUPVSEC 2021 Conference Proceedings. Drop us an email or contact us on LinkedIn to pre-register for reading it.

Our renewable energy resource experts Simon Weber and Raúl Granados will be happy to get in touch and talk about our measurement campaigns or discuss our results! Further information on the topic to be found in our White Paper The value of measurements for PV project development.