
Wow! New addition to power plant in Linz

On January 22, 2024, the time had come: the ground-breaking ceremony marked the birth of power plant unit 08 – a moment full of excitement and drive! Block 08 will soon start work.

Under the motto “One Project – One Team”, Dornier and voestalpine Stahl GmbH have been working together at full speed on an ambitious project since 2022: The modernization and expansion of the power plant in Linz. Together with our experts and voestalpine Stahl GmbH, the aim is not only to secure the energy future of the steel mill for steel production, but also to make an important contribution to decarbonization.

Thank you, Team Dornier, for your brain power! With your knowledge and skills, we are moving the energy sector forward. And also a big thank you to voestalpine Stahl GmbH for their trust in our experts. Together for more energy: Let’s tackle it together!