
7th anniversary of our Office in Kyiv

Dear colleagues in Kyiv,

On September 12, 2016, we officially opened our office in Kyiv – that’s exactly seven years ago.

Seven years in which you have built up the location and expanded the team. In which you have repeatedly not only put your expertise but also a lot of heart and soul into Dornier and celebrated numerous project successes. However, these are also seven years that were lately overshadowed by the war and its unimagined challenges.

Despite all the obstacles that have been put in your way, you have not given up and continue to do great work – for this we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your courage and commitment, especially in these times, deeply impress us!

We would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you – for your hard work, your loyalty, your tireless efforts and the many successes we have experienced as a team. Let’s continue to grow together, learn from each other, and let our vision of shaping a sustainable future become reality.   

Cheers to the next seven years and beyond!


Ralf Gilgen          Patrick Rauh