
Filling gaps in public transport networks with Dornier

One of the most common excuses to avoid public transport is “The next public transport station is just too far away!”. But what if you could access a bike, e-scooter or minibus anywhere, anytime, to quickly and safely reach the closest public transport station?

Public transport operators are discovering the great benefits of new mobility services as “last-mile connection” since they also make public transport much more attractive. Apart from bike- or scooter-sharing, minibuses can serve as climatised feeder to metro or bus stations. In the future, driverless on-demand shuttles can provide 24/7 connections to public transport.

Our Mobility team advises the public and private sector globally on how to identify and fill gaps in their public transport networks with various mobility services. Implementing such “multimodal mobility networks” around public transport hubs can considerably increase the accessibility of destinations and minimise the dependency on private cars.

To find out more about accessibility and multimodal mobility networks, please click here: (link to PDF)

For more information about Dornier’s comprehensive mobility service portfolio, please visit our website: