
Warmth with vision: Shaping sustainable municipalities

At Dornier, we use our technical and strategic expertise to help redesign heat supply systems. From actual and demand analysis, potential analysis and concept development through to technical feasibility – we work with cities and municipalities to develop the optimum combination of measures to reduce demand and losses and to develop sustainable heat sources.

Because: On the way to sustainability in cities and municipalities, municipal heat planning is a decisive and essential aspect.

In this context, a corresponding article (25.6.) was included in the revised EU Energy Efficiency Directive. This amendment obliges all member states to ensure that municipalities with more than 45,000 inhabitants draw up local heating and cooling plans. This obligation provides an important impetus for a sustainable future, even if it will take several years to transpose it into national law.

In Germany, this path has already been paved by the law on municipal heat planning. The law came into force on 01.01.2024 and goes beyond the requirements of the EU Directive in some respects: municipalities with a population of 10,000 or more are already obliged to draw up municipal heating plans, while the time frame is particularly ambitious for municipalities with a population of 100,000 or more.

This new law creates an additional framework to the funding already in place since 2022 under the Federal Program for Efficient Heating Networks (BEW). The BEW supports heating supply companies planning the development and implementation of “transformation plans” (TRAFO plans) for existing heating networks or feasibility studies for new heating networks. At the same time, the law emphasizes the independent responsibility of municipalities in municipal heat planning, while the analysis covers the entire municipal area.

Would you also like to make your municipality more sustainable? Then write to us!