
Conwico GmbH acquires CHP specialist IBS Technik GmbH

Conwico GmbH acquires IBS Technik GmbH effective July 15, 2021. IBS Technik, based in Neubrandenburg (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), specializes in project development, planning, approval and project engineering, operational management, maintenance and servicing of combined heat and power (CHP) plants and systems, with a particular focus on energy generation from biomass and substitute fuels.

conwico plans and supplies turnkey plants and components for energy supply and is a member of the Dornier Group. By integrating IBS Technik into conwico, the Dornier Group is boosting its expertise in the field of energy generation based on biomass and substitute fuels. Increasing circular economy, especially in metropolitan regions and large urban areas, turns biomass and waste into valuable resources. This is precisely where the Dornier Group’s solutions aimed at sustainability come in: the Group is able to manage projects across various business lines in an interdisciplinary manner, thus delivering real added value for viable, future-proof solutions.

The Dornier Group is a global one-stop shop for engineering and consulting services in the infrastructure and energy sector. The Group is active around the world with branch offices in 13 countries and employs a combined workforce of approximately 2,000 people. By acquiring IBS Technik GmbH, Dornier Group is expanding its range of services for the operation and maintenance of power plants, underlining the Group’s commitment to renewable energies.