
Business Line Mobility advising Egyptian National Railways

Egypt is seeking to shift freight traffic from road to rail. Having recognized how important it is to create a marketable rail freight service for industrial and other customers, the government has already decided to support the establishment of an independent rail freight company as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Egyptian railway company ENR.

“Dornier is now developing a comprehensive reform strategy for efficient freight transport in Egypt, as well as a concept for setting up the new ENR subsidiary”, Project Director Stefan Barthelmes explains.

The project will focus on developing the corporate strategy, with a sound business plan and an appropriate governance structure, as well as on creating the institutional, legal and financial arrangements for establishing the subsidiary company.

The kick-off meeting for this 16-month project was held in Cairo on December 3, 2019 under the auspices of Dr. Ashraf Raslan, Chairman of ENR. We are especially proud to be able to welcome the former ENR Managing Director, Essam Selim, as Project Manager of our project team. Mr. Selim will coordinate the project on the ground in Cairo.

We are delighted to have been awarded this exciting assignment in Egypt.