
Deep insights into the world of nuclear technology

Students of TU Dresden had the unique opportunity to gain exciting insights as part of Dr. Anton Anthofer’s lectures on “Nuclear reactor technology” and “Dismantling nuclear facilities”. First, the students and our colleagues from Dornier Nuclear Services went to the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig, where topics such as SI units, atomic clocks, dosimeter testing and radiation protection were on the agenda. Particularly interesting: the dismantling of the Braunschweig research reactor!

After a joint dinner with all participants and lively discussions, the next day we went to the Federal Company for Final Disposal (BGE) in Salzgitter. After a safety briefing, the participants drove over 1000 meters deep into the future Konrad repository! There we learned all about waste package types and automated handling.

After lunch together, everyone returned to Dresden full of new impressions. An unforgettable excursion into the practice of nuclear technology!