Dornier at the 54th Power Plant Technology Colloquium in Dresden

Stable supply during the energy transition
How can Germany and Europe ensure a stable energy supply? What kind of political preconditions are needed and what role does the use of hydrogen play?
These and other questions will be discussed at the 54th Kraftwerkstechisches Kolloquium in Dresden on October 18 and 19, 2022.
The Dornier Group will not only be represented by Frank Schulze and Tobias Widder chairing two sessions, our Head of Department Metrology & Materials, Dr. Steffen Griebe, will also give a presentation “Combustion-related, primary reduction of NOX emissions on DE firing systems fired with different fuels” next Tuesday, 18.10.2022 at 4:45 pm.
In addition, we would appreciate to welcome you at our stand to and give you more details about optimizing your generation assets, new trends in environmentally friendly heat supply, the ongoing implementation of renewable energy, the specifics of grid integration and operations management and nuclear decommissioning options.
Dr. Daniel Seibt, Frank Schulze, Dr. Steffen Griebe, Dr. Anton Philipp Anthofer and Jessica Buchwald look forward to answering your questions.