
Goodbye, document chaos!

Who hasn’t experienced this? A new project starts and suddenly there are hundreds of documents that have been named and filed in different ways by everyone involved. The infamous document chaos quickly ensues! Especially when additional project partners come into play, the search for the right documents becomes a time-consuming challenge.

We at Dornier recognized this problem early on and developed a solution: our internet-based document management system “DokuDbV6”. This cloud-based platform, specially developed for large plant construction projects, ensures centralized document management. With “DokuDbV6” you can find all project-related documents quickly and easily. It ensures that the latest version is always available and provides you with optimal support when planning and checking your documents.

By using “DokuDbV6” in projects, you can therefore expect that important goals such as document security, revision security, quick availability for project partners, central document storage and ease of use are ensured.

So put your trust in our planning expertise and “DokuDbV6” – because your project is in the best hands with us!

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