
SWE – heating with wind

Stadtwerke Erfurt (SWE) has been supplying the region with electricity and district heating since 1901, with heating requirements and CO2 emissions peaking in 1989. Due to its responsibility towards people and the environment, SWE has since significantly reduced CO2 emissions through new construction and modernization measures and is also increasingly focusing on renewable energies in the future.

What many are still planning is already being implemented at SWE. In order to decarbonize the heating sector, SWE is building its first power-to-heat plant with a capacity of 20 MW at the HKW Erfurt Ost site. In future, electricity from wind turbines will be used to generate “green district heating”. SWE is being supported by Dornier Power und Heat GmbH as general planner. Planning and contract award were completed in a very short space of time and preparations for construction began in November 2023. Dornier is currently overseeing the implementation planning and construction.

Normen Seifert, Head of Project Management at Dornier Power and Heat: “SWE had clear ideas right from the start, which significantly supported the implementation of the first important milestones. Thanks to the shared philosophy of ‘One Project – One Team’, we were able to complete the planning and awarding of contracts together with the customer at an early stage.”

Commissioning of the plant is planned for mid-2025. Thanks to the entire team for their commitment and great performance so far!