
Tiefstack CHP successfully put into operation

After more than 3.5 years of planning and construction, the time had finally come in May: Dornier was able to commission the new line for the peak heating preheaters at the Tiefstack CHP plant and officially hand over the system. The team, consisting of colleagues from various fields, had to overcome a number of challenges, but thanks to good preparation they were also able to quickly solve minor problems during the short commissioning phase.

The new pipeline ensures that the peak heating preheaters can continue to operate even when there is low demand or low flow rates in the district heating network. For this purpose, heating water is taken from the flow downstream of the peak heating preheaters and fed back into the return flow upstream of the peak heating preheaters via the new pipe. A special control ball valve ensures that exactly the right amount of water circulates to keep the peak heating preheaters in operation.